What Patients Say About Northampton Integrative Medicine


January 2020

I’ve been ill for well over 20 years.  My weight was under 100 lbs.  Hizentra saved my life.  I am now 110, feeling good and functioning well.   I will always be grateful that (my provider) listened and acted on what she suspected.

~M.L.  64 y.o.

May 2019

Painless shot givers.  Intelligent treatment.  Nice staff. What more could I ask?

PS –  World’s best phlebotomist.

~J.L.  73 y.0.

April 2019

I wanted to share that I am down a pant size and a top size…  Last but most exciting overall my A1C is down…  So over the moon excited and just wanted to keep you updated. Thank you for your help and direction. Between the food modification and supplements, I feel the best I have had in a very long time.  Thank you!


February 2019

…a little something to demonstrate my appreciation for your valuable advice, medical expertise, caring AND patience.

~ C.K.

January 2020

I notice after she takes the peptide shots, she is unmistakably more energized, centered and tremendously more present!

~husband of patient

January 2021

My autoimmune condition was reviewed by a few specialists, but no one was able to help me actually feel better.

Under the care at NIM, I have been able to really feel the very best I can.

Thank you,

~S.C.   female, age 45

August 2019

I appreciated your thoroughness…  I feel you are on top of things, and proceeding in an organized manner, which is important to me.

~LG, 63 y.o. female

January 2020

I gradually became more ill and went on disability …due to extreme fatigue, tremors, constant eating and abdominal pain.   PCP, then specialists couldn’t figure it out.

Made appointment at NIM and had testing which showed positive results for Lyme and co-infection parasite.   I am now under treatment.

I was ready to accept being severely sick the rest of my life.   Gong there was the smartest thing I ever did, I just regret I didn’t do it years ago.

~R.R.  63 y.o. male

July 2019

At first, I didn’t think it was doing anything.   I gradually began to notice I had a lot more energy and was sleeping well.    I had Lyme disease, suffer from polymyalgias, allergies, IBS, and GERD.   I ate French fries for the first time in ages and didn’t have a problem!  I was quite surprised.  Then realized it might be due to the thymosin alpha 1 peptide treatment.   I’ve been able to eat things I used to avoid.   I feel so much better overall and in much less discomfort.  It feels like a miracle.

~L.L.  80 y.o. female

April 2019

Wonderful office! Love the staff and the practitioners…


All the practitioners are wonderful and caring. Had I not gone there I would never have gotten the proper diagnosis. Very grateful!!


March 2019

… the first doctor to spend time reviewing ALL of my medical history. After years of suffering with a chronic illness, he had a plan to prevent future episodes. I’ve had specialists tell me that what I suffer with is a very rare case and hard to treat. I’ve been following his plan and I am confident I will continue to be episode free.

~ K.H.

May 2019

I was skeptical to come in, but the experience from start to end more than exceeded my expectations. My provider gave me hope that my issues would be figured out versus the narrow treatment I received elsewhere.  I was very frustrated the last few months but am more confident with the information I was given. I look forward to future visits!

~O.P.  female, 37

March 2019

These folks have changed my life – no kidding.  Their professionalism, skills and compassion have put me on a path of healing.  For the first time in my entire life, I do not feel sick.   I cannot recommend them high enough.  Outstanding!

~ Anonymous, age 39

I am so very thankful for your assistance.  Your effort, communications and support have surpassed all I ever expected.  You all have changed my life!


January 2020

I had NAD infusions.   My energy started to get better.  I’m able to do things now within a half hour of waking.

I now have energy all day and am able to accomplish so much more.

~female, age 69

January 2019

Just being on the antibiotics and the detox supplements I have noticed a remarkable change.  I can’t thank you enough for listening to me, and believing me, and helping me get my life back!

~ A.K.

April 2019

I think they Rock.  …thankful for (their) help.


January 2020

Very attentive and detailed care.

~R.K.   72 y.o. female

Warm, caring, authentic – -the most positive I’ve ever felt in working with a  medical professional.

~S. E.,  female, 71 y.o.

July 2019

For the first time at a doctor’s appointment, I felt heard.  (They) helped me sort thru my health isues and provided tests, knowledge and treatments to help me feel better.  I am very grateful for NIM and have been recommending this office regularly. Thank you!

~Amber, 40 y.o.

February 2019

I just wanted to thank you for all of your help. Things have been going well for the past month or two, and I attribute that to your patience and diligence. The tx of SIBO and thyroid medication (and perhaps supplements) have made a huge impact.

~ S.B.

July 2019

Lovely to be here.

~E.S., 79 y.o.

April 2019

Finally, a doctor who listens to the patient. I have many health issues and go to all sorts of doctors, many which tell me I’m fine although my symptoms and blood labs show otherwise. Most don’t listen to the patient and just follow the textbook. Glad I went to see (NIM).  Hoping to get my health on the right path with the help of this healthcare team. Definitely, recommend any of the doctors at this facility to anyone sick of running in circles while suffering from chronic illnesses.


September 2019

… Finally a center of Dr’s and NP’s that actually know current guidelines and studies that are up to date on how Lyme and other health issues should be treated properly!   …Can not recommend them enough to anyone who gets even a bite from a tick or is suffering with other illnesses that haven’t been controlled well or healed. They are truly about HEALING vs “coating” health problems!


April 2019

After having multiple doctors tell me that my digestive issues were all “stress” related, I finally came to this facility and was able to find out that I was allergic to many foods that I had been eating frequently. The feel in this office is so different than a PCP’s office. I feel like the staff really hear me when I express what’s going on and want to help. I never feel like I’m being rushed out of the room so that they can see the next person. I really love it here!


January 2020

All staff are friendly, respectful and courteous.  I feel like I am listened to, have a say in my health plan and am well taken care of by knowledgeable practitioners.  Thank you!

~MC, 29 y.o. female

July 2019

Very friendly staff. Individualized treatments.

~Kate, 60 y.o.

April 2019

…Their kindness along with their vast knowledge let me know that I am in good hands.

~ Female, age 54

May 2019

… Very satisfied with your services.


April 2019

Chelation for heavy metals toxicity and removing plaque from arteries, tick-borne disease treatments, high dose vitamin Cancer treatments, all intravenous treatments. Awesome and effective alternative medicine.


WOHOO!!!!!   I am feeling great….thanks to you!! You have truly saved my life!!!


May 2019

…this office and staff have helped me with a horrible autoimmune disease.   This is a long drive and (the staff) make it worth it.  Thank you.


The gals in the allergy dept. rock!  My whole experience has been positive – everyone is so kind and conscientious!  I feel awesome!!


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