Monthly Archives: July 2019

Kate 7.19

Very friendly staff. Individualized treatments. ~Kate, 60 y.o.

Kate 7.192019-07-24T16:44:02-04:00

Amber 7.19

For the first time at a doctor's appointment, I felt heard.  (They) helped me sort thru my health isues and provided tests, knowledge and treatments to help me feel better.  I am very grateful for NIM and have been recommending this office regularly. Thank you! ~Amber, 40 y.o.

Amber 7.192019-07-24T16:42:48-04:00

Female, 80 y.o.

At first, I didn’t think it was doing anything.   I gradually began to notice I had a lot more energy and was sleeping well.    I had Lyme disease, suffer from polymyalgias, allergies, IBS, and GERD.   I ate French fries for the first time in ages and didn’t have a problem!  I was quite surprised.  Then [...]

Female, 80 y.o.2019-07-22T10:30:06-04:00
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