Lifestyle Medicine is an “evidence-based medical specialty that uses lifestyle therapeutic approaches to prevent, treat or modify non-communicable chronic disease”. These approaches include exercise, nutrition, sleep, behavioral changes, mindset, and self-care.

We have ALL started a positive behavioral change only to fall off the wagon a few weeks or months later (failed New Year’s resolutions, anyone?). This is where we can help!

We will work with you to create a feasible plan for those areas that may need more work. This plan will progress in a step-wise approach, starting wherever you are, until you have sustained those changes. As we all know, positive and long-standing change does not happen overnight, and oftentimes accountability and guidance are needed to sustain those changes for life. As you are searching for the root cause of your symptoms, acquiring data and creating your care plan, we will also focus on addressing lifestyle factors that you can change. These lifestyle improvements will not only better your current health but also help prevent future disease.

Lauren Rosa, PA-C