Michelle Goulet, MSN, FNP – Nurse Practitioner, Integrative Medicine, Allergy & Women’s Health Care

Michelle Goulet, MSN, FNP

Michelle Goulet is a board certified Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP). She has been practicing Integrative Functional Medicine for over 20 years. Michelle realized she wanted to work in integrative medicine early on in her education and while working at Canyon Ranch in the Berkshires. She did a one month internship with the physicians at Canyon Ranch in Tucson, AZ, which magnified her realization that functional medicine was the only way to evaluate all the systems of the body and underlying cause of dysfunction.

Michelle Goulet, FNP helps patients to achieve optimal health by restoring the balance of thyroid, adrenal and hormones, restoring gut health, and treating underlying infections and systemic inflammation. Specializing in regenerative medicine and wellness, Michelle helps patients to understand and access the resources and lifestyle needed to achieve their health goals.

She believes we all deserve a life of vitality, and that we all have the potential to create and be the healthiest version of ourselves.

Michelle is co-owner of Northampton Integrative Medicine with Dr. Lynch.